Cant Download Software On Mac


First time asking a question in here! But i recently updated to Yosemite, and i wanted to download the new xcode 6.1 version.... But it does not say i have already downloaded xcode and i when i press 'install' it does something and then it says 'install' download is not starting and i'm not getting an error message!

This is wat console said:

Can’t download an app update? It might be time to update your Mac If you’re using an older version of macOS, you may run into problems when trying to install the latest version of an app. I installed Mac Catalina and it won't load my trusty Acrobat Pro. So I upgraded to this new Acrobat DC Pro, and it was supposed to install. Yet every time I try to install it, it hangs at 9.2%. I can never get it past this point. This is very annoying. There is lots of help for older.

26-10-14 13:20:15,313 App Store[92676]: addOperation <ISFetchIconOperation: 0x610000189e70>{name = '(null)'}

26-10-14 13:20:15,313 storedownloadd[464]: addOperation <CheckPreflightOperation: 0x7fda5b71ada0>{name = '(null)'}

26-10-14 13:20:15,314 storedownloadd[464]: DownloadServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fda5b404b40> connection from pid 92676 with interface <DownloadServiceInterface: 0x7fda5b409e30> (PID 92676)

26-10-14 13:20:15,315 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe5351238d0> connection from pid 464 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe535122170> (PID 464)

26-10-14 13:20:15,315 storedownloadd[464]: addOperation <FetchIconOperation: 0x7fda5b409130>{name = '(null)'}

26-10-14 13:20:15,316 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe535230430> connection from pid 464 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe5352a92c0> (PID 464)

26-10-14 13:20:15,374 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Cache-Control' = 'no-transform, max-age=8368';

Connection = 'keep-alive';

'Content-Encoding' = gzip;

'Content-Length' = 20901;

'Content-Type' = 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:15 GMT';

'Last-Modified' = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:59:21 GMT';

Server = 'ATS/4.1.0';

Vary = 'Accept-Encoding, X-Apple-Store-Front, Cookie, User-Agent';

'X-Apple-ATS-Cache-Key' = '/ /2.0%20/143452-10/13/https/itspod=58?ix=5';

'X-Apple-Partner' = 'origin.0';

'apple-timing-app' = '50 ms';

'x-apple-aka-ttl' = 'Generated Sun Oct 26 01:59:21 PDT 2014, Expires Sun Oct 26 07:39:21 PDT 2014, TTL 20400s';

'x-apple-application-instance' = 725;

'x-apple-application-site' = NWK;

'x-apple-jingle-correlation-key' = 3PXVZQE6G3RGM;

'x-apple-max-age' = 14400;

'x-apple-orig-url' = ' AgentCacheKey=MacAppStore%2f2.0%20';

'x-apple-request-store-front' = '143452-10,13';

'x-apple-translated-wo-url' = '/WebObjects/MZInit.woa/wa/initiateSession?ix=5&userAgentCacheKey=MacAppStore%2 f2.0%20';

'x-webobjects-loadaverage' = 0;


26-10-14 13:20:15,412 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Accept-Ranges' = bytes;

Connection = 'keep-alive';

'Content-Length' = 11127;

'Content-Type' = 'application/octet-stream';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:15:44 GMT';

Etag = '6ead7ce472884afb7e8987f64762b182:1413751789';

'Last-Modified' = 'Sun, 19 Oct 2014 20:49:47 GMT';

Server = Apache;

'X-Akamai-Request-ID' = 8b33c17;


26-10-14 13:20:15,414 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' = '*';

'Cache-Control' = 'public, max-age=2592000';

Connection = 'keep-alive';

'Content-Length' = 75543;

'Content-Type' = 'image/png';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:19:02 GMT';

Etag = '12717-505c0174809c5';

'Last-Modified' = 'Sun, 19 Oct 2014 05:44:26 GMT';

'X-Server' = 'nk11p00it-web020';


26-10-14 13:20:15,479 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe53511a710> connection from pid 92708 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe535131ff0> (PID 92708)

26-10-14 13:20:15,481 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe53262a740> connection from pid 92708 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe5326cd5f0> (PID 92708)

26-10-14 13:20:15,488 LayerVault[377]: onData 8::

26-10-14 13:20:15,489 LayerVault[377]: start/reset timeout

26-10-14 13:20:15,489 LayerVault[377]: noop

26-10-14 13:20:15,985 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' = '*';

'Cache-Control' = 'private, max-age=60';

Connection = 'keep-alive';

'Content-Length' = 2;

'Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:15 GMT';

Expires = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:21:15 GMT';

Vary = 'X-Apple-Store-Front,X-Dsid,Cookie';

'access-control-allow-credentials' = true;

'apple-timing-app' = '0 ms';

'x-apple-application-instance' = 10443;

'x-apple-application-site' = NWK;

'x-apple-jingle-correlation-key' = CQAVDFAHXSS5M;

Can't Download Software On Mac Mini

'x-webobjects-loadaverage' = 3;


26-10-14 13:20:16,723 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe5353bc070> connection from pid 92708 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe5353c6890> (PID 92708)

26-10-14 13:20:16,726 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe5353d9ca0> connection from pid 92708 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe5353dbd40> (PID 92708)

26-10-14 13:20:16,729 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe5353d6540> connection from pid 92708 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe5353c20f0> (PID 92708)

26-10-14 13:20:17,625 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Cache-Control' = 'private, no-cache, no-store, no-transform, must-revalidate, max-age=0';

'Content-Encoding' = gzip;

'Content-Length' = 23727;

'Content-Type' = 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:17 GMT';

Expires = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:17 GMT';

'Set-Cookie' = 'mz_at_ssl-406672337=AwUAAAIBAABOIAAAAABUTOcBavjy2okWMl9zT3EzxlFsHmsZa84=; version='1'; expires=Tue, 25-Oct-2016 12:20:17 GMT; path=/;; secure, Pod=58; version='1'; expires=Wed, 26-Nov-2014 13:20:17 GMT; path=/;, itspod=58; version='1'; expires=Wed, 26-Nov-2014 13:20:17 GMT; path=/;';

'apple-timing-app' = '193 ms';

'edge-control' = 'no-store, cache-maxage=0';

itspod = 58;

pod = 58;

'x-apple-application-instance' = 580216;

'x-apple-application-site' = ST13;

'x-apple-asset-version' = 0;

'x-apple-date-generated' = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:17 GMT';

'x-apple-jingle-correlation-key' = E4XSJISCVGQIO;

'x-apple-lokamai-no-cache' = true;

'x-apple-orig-url' = ' 63D70';

'x-apple-request-store-front' = '143452-10,13';

'x-apple-translated-wo-url' = '/WebObjects/MZBuy.woa/wa/buyProduct?guid=685B35B63D70';

'x-frame-options' = SAMEORIGIN;

'x-webobjects-loadaverage' = 0;


26-10-14 13:20:17,769[92708]: addOperation <ISStoreURLOperation: 0x7fc7bc048180 - request=<ISURLRequest:0x7fc7bc05bf60 &c22=XML&products=F6%3B497799835%3B1%3B0.00000&ch=Purchase&c15=Search-NL-Desktop %20Apps&c16=Media%20Search%20Pages&cl=15778463&h5=appleitmswwwap%2Cappleitmsneap &c27=Desktop%20Apps-main&v26=Genre-NL-Desktop%20Applications-29562&v15=Search-NL -Desktop%20Apps&v22=XML&pageName=Buy&v27=Desktop%20Apps-main&events=purchase&c26 =Genre-NL-Desktop%20Applications-29562&v16=Media%20Search%20Pages> urlBagKey=(null)>

26-10-14 13:20:17,770 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe53233ccd0> connection from pid 92708 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe5351175c0> (PID 92708)

26-10-14 13:20:17,777 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe5353d6260> connection from pid 92267 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe5353cedb0> (PID 92267)

26-10-14 13:20:17,779 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe535126750> connection from pid 92267 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe535152610> (PID 92267)

26-10-14 13:20:17,826 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Cache-Control' = 'no-transform, max-age=8366';

Connection = 'keep-alive';

'Content-Encoding' = gzip;

'Content-Length' = 20901;

'Content-Type' = 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:17 GMT';


'Last-Modified' = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:59:21 GMT';

Server = 'ATS/4.1.0';

Vary = 'Accept-Encoding, X-Apple-Store-Front, Cookie, User-Agent';

'X-Apple-ATS-Cache-Key' = '/ /2.0%20/143452-10/13/https/itspod=58?ix=5';

'X-Apple-Partner' = 'origin.0';

'apple-timing-app' = '50 ms';

'x-apple-aka-ttl' = 'Generated Sun Oct 26 01:59:21 PDT 2014, Expires Sun Oct 26 07:39:21 PDT 2014, TTL 20400s';

'x-apple-application-instance' = 725;

'x-apple-application-site' = NWK;

'x-apple-jingle-correlation-key' = 3PXVZQE6G3RGM;

'x-apple-max-age' = 14400;

'x-apple-orig-url' = ' AgentCacheKey=MacAppStore%2f2.0%20';

'x-apple-request-store-front' = '143452-10,13';

'x-apple-translated-wo-url' = '/WebObjects/MZInit.woa/wa/initiateSession?ix=5&userAgentCacheKey=MacAppStore%2 f2.0%20';

'x-webobjects-loadaverage' = 0;


26-10-14 13:20:17,864 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe535126f30> connection from pid 92267 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe535149b90> (PID 92267)

26-10-14 13:20:17,867 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe5305592a0> connection from pid 92708 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe53054f180> (PID 92708)

26-10-14 13:20:17,868 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe532013a60> connection from pid 92267 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe532045590> (PID 92267)

26-10-14 13:20:17,872 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe5352a87c0> connection from pid 92267 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe5352ac830> (PID 92267)

26-10-14 13:20:18,616[1]: ( Caller not allowed to perform action: open.93019, action = service submission, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 501, euid = 501, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100000

26-10-14 13:20:18,624[1]: ( Caller not allowed to perform action: open.93019, action = legacy spawn, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 501, euid = 501, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100000

26-10-14 13:20:18,624 open[93019]: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=1 label=[0x0-0x265265] path=/Applications/ unesHelper flags=0 : LaunchApplicationClient.cp #963 LaunchApplicationWithSpawnViaLaunchD()

26-10-14 13:20:18,624 open[93019]: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=1 label=[0x0-0x265265] path=/Applications/ unesHelper flags=0

26-10-14 13:20:18,661[1]: ( Caller not allowed to perform action: launchctl.93024, action = start service, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 501, euid = 501, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100000

26-10-14 13:20:18,691 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' = '*';

'Cache-Control' = 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, no-transform, private';

Connection = 'Keep-Alive';

'Content-Length' = 43;

'Content-Type' = 'image/gif';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:18 GMT';

Etag = '544CE702-66E5-39049A04';

Expires = 'Sat, 25 Oct 2014 12:20:18 GMT';

'Keep-Alive' = 'timeout=15';

'Last-Modified' = 'Mon, 27 Oct 2014 12:20:18 GMT';

P3P = 'policyref='/w3c/p3p.xml', CP='NOI DSP COR NID PSA OUR IND COM NAV STA';

Pragma = 'no-cache';

Server = 'Omniture DC/2.0.0';

'Set-Cookie' = 's_vi=[CS]v1|29CC9C2105011945-6000010E0000923D[CE]; Expires=Mon, 27 Apr 2015 03:14:41 GMT;; Path=/';

Vary = '*';

'X-C' = 'ms-4.9.2';

xserver = www185;


download, software free

26-10-14 13:20:18,771 LayerVault[377]: STARTING: LVServerChangesOperation

26-10-14 13:20:18,861[25]: Rescanning kernel extensions.

26-10-14 13:20:18,000 kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.

26-10-14 13:20:18,918[92267]: addOperation <ISStoreURLOperation: 0x7fbaf371bac0 - request=<ISURLRequest:0x7fbaf371c9a0 &c22=XML&products=F6%3B497799835%3B1%3B0.00000&ch=Purchase&c15=Software-NL-Apple -Xcode-497799835&c16=Software%20Pages&cl=15778463&h5=appleitmswwwap%2Cappleitmsn eap&v15=Software-NL-Apple-Xcode-497799835&v22=XML&events=purchase&pageName=Buy&v 16=Software%20Pages> urlBagKey=(null)>

26-10-14 13:20:18,919 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe5321377b0> connection from pid 92267 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe532137d40> (PID 92267)

26-10-14 13:20:18,920 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Cache-Control' = 'private, no-cache, no-store, no-transform, must-revalidate, max-age=0';

'Content-Encoding' = gzip;

'Content-Length' = 725;

'Content-Type' = 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:18 GMT';

Expires = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:18 GMT';

'Set-Cookie' = 'mz_at_ssl-406672337=AwUAAAIBAABOIAAAAABUTOcCcAe5pDM04LcOsd7ApYpEKIr0W3U=; version='1'; expires=Tue, 25-Oct-2016 12:20:18 GMT; path=/;; secure, Pod=58; version='1'; expires=Wed, 26-Nov-2014 13:20:18 GMT; path=/;, itspod=58; version='1'; expires=Wed, 26-Nov-2014 13:20:18 GMT; path=/;';

'apple-timing-app' = '346 ms';

'edge-control' = 'no-store, cache-maxage=0';

itspod = 58;

pod = 58;

'x-apple-application-instance' = 580159;

'x-apple-application-site' = ST13;

'x-apple-asset-version' = 0;

Cant Download Software On Mac Os

'x-apple-date-generated' = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:18 GMT';

'x-apple-jingle-correlation-key' = UA6MAA6U4NSQS;

'x-apple-lokamai-no-cache' = true;

'x-apple-orig-url' = ' 63D70';

'x-apple-request-store-front' = '143452-10,13';

'x-apple-translated-wo-url' = '/WebObjects/MZBuy.woa/wa/buyProduct?guid=685B35B63D70';

'x-frame-options' = SAMEORIGIN;

'x-webobjects-loadaverage' = 0;


26-10-14 13:20:18,974 storeaccountd[379]: ADI: {

'Cache-Control' = 'no-transform, max-age=8365';

Connection = 'keep-alive';

'Content-Encoding' = gzip;

'Content-Length' = 20901;

Can't Download Software On Mac Os

'Content-Type' = 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8';

Date = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:20:18 GMT';

'Last-Modified' = 'Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:59:21 GMT';

Server = 'ATS/4.1.0';

Vary = 'Accept-Encoding, X-Apple-Store-Front, Cookie, User-Agent';

'X-Apple-ATS-Cache-Key' = '/ /2.0%20/143452-10/13/https/itspod=58?ix=5';

'X-Apple-Partner' = 'origin.0';

'apple-timing-app' = '50 ms';

'x-apple-aka-ttl' = 'Generated Sun Oct 26 01:59:21 PDT 2014, Expires Sun Oct 26 07:39:21 PDT 2014, TTL 20400s';

'x-apple-application-instance' = 725;

'x-apple-application-site' = NWK;

'x-apple-jingle-correlation-key' = 3PXVZQE6G3RGM;

'x-apple-max-age' = 14400;

'x-apple-orig-url' = ' AgentCacheKey=MacAppStore%2f2.0%20';

'x-apple-request-store-front' = '143452-10,13';

'x-apple-translated-wo-url' = '/WebObjects/MZInit.woa/wa/initiateSession?ix=5&userAgentCacheKey=MacAppStore%2 f2.0%20';

'x-webobjects-loadaverage' = 0;


26-10-14 13:20:19,011 storeaccountd[379]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fe532045950> connection from pid 92267 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fe532046aa0> (PID 92267)

26-10-14 13:20:19,365 sudo[93058]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.wpEmnR/Scripts/ kHP ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl load -w //System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

26-10-14 13:20:19,368[1]: ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.

26-10-14 13:20:19,377 sudo[93061]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.wpEmnR/Scripts/ kHP ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl start

26-10-14 13:20:19,388[93060]: usbmuxd-344.3 on Oct 13 2014 at 21:10:09, running 64 bit

26-10-14 13:20:19,390[93060]: GetConfiguration failed: 0xe0004061

26-10-14 13:20:19,390 sudo[93063]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.wpEmnR/Scripts/ kHP ; USER=xvilo ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl load -w //System/Library/LaunchAgents/

26-10-14 13:20:19,393[1]: ( Could not read path: path = //System/Library/LaunchAgents/, error = 2: No such file or directory

26-10-14 13:20:19,402 sudo[93065]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.wpEmnR/Scripts/ kHP ; USER=xvilo ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl start

26-10-14 13:20:19,405[1]: ( Caller not allowed to perform action: launchctl.93066, action = start service, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 501, euid = 501, gid = 20, egid = 20, asid = 100000

iPhone 5c, iOS 7.1.1

Posted on